INBDE oral pathology medicine notes pdf study material resource video mnemonics where to study  remember memory tricks dental dentistry exam dates

INBDE Oral Pathology Mnemonics


INBDE oral pathology mnemonics: High-yeild Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine Memory Tricks and Mnemonics for the famous & awesome INBDE Booster Oral Pathology Cheat Sheets.

* INBDE Booster Cheat Sheets are available for free here:

If you’re struggling with remembering all the complicated details of oral pathology for INBDE, NDEB AFK or other licensing exams, you will love this! Say goodbye to forgetting, revise less, and have fun studying!

This course helps you to avoid trouble when stuck in exam and your memory starts failing you. It will provide you with a list of  techniques and tricks to use to study faster, more efficiently, and with less stress and worry of forgetting using proven “memory and study skills

Most importantly, it will give you an insight of an extremely helpful and reliable technique that will let you overcome any difficulty in remembering difficult stuff.

Plus, you can always build-up upon these mnemonics with all the information you have to know, build-up stories, laugh about it, and never mix-up in the exam.

Curriculum of INBDE oral pathology mnemonics:

Developmental and Hereditary Conditions

Salivary Gland Diseases

Bone Lesions

Mucosal Lesions

Connective Tissue Lesions

Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors

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