We'll give you the easy, fun way to remember dental subjects!

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* Voted “Top Course Provider of 2023 in Oral Medicine and Pathology”

Dr. Hiba Shawa: Runner-up for Top Instructor in Oral Medicine and Pathology

rememberology dental menmonic dentists inbde trick mental booster ndeb afk 2024 preparation notes lectures sources best score pass

What is Rememberology?

Rememberology is a whole website for dental mnemonics. It was created to help dental students study in an easy and efficient way, as well as dentists preparing for licensing exams (INBDE, NDEB AFK ).

We do this by giving you high-yield mnemonics (memory tricks) for subjects that need a lot of memorization and recall, such as oral pathology and medicine and pharmacology.

We want to help you avoid the trouble of studying for long hours, only to find that you’ve forgotten it all within a few days. We want you to be confident of your knowledge and never mix up complicated details again.

Mnemonics are techniques and tricks to study faster, more efficiently, and with less stress and worry of forgetting, and they’re proven “memory and study skills”.


What our members say..

Dr. Ayantika: “I thoroughly enjoyed while studying through rememberology.  You clearly saved tons of time of memorization. I will highly recommend INBDE aspirants to use this app.”

Watch some of our dental mnemonics below!

Kaposi's Sarcoma Mnemonics:

Prosthodotics- Lingual Bar Mnemonic:

Periodontics- Red Complex of Bacteria Mnemonic:

Periodontics- Doxycycline Gel Mnemonic:

Orthodontics- Maxillary Mandibular Plane Angle Mnemonic:

Oral Pathology & Medicine: E-wing's Sarcoma Mnemonics

Dr. Paramat Sooraksa: “I really love these mnemonics. They are very in-detail and help me remember high-yeild stuff for the Boards” –


Choose a topic below to watch free preview videos and view the curriculum:

Oral Medicine Mnemonics

INBDE Oral Pathology Mnemonics

General Oral Pathology Mnemonics

Pharmacology Mnemonics

Head & Neck Anatomy Mnemonics

Oral Surgery Mnemonics

Periodontics Mnemonics

Orthodontics Mnemonics

Prosthodontics Mnemonics

Oral Radiology Mnemonics

Australian Dental Board Pharmacology Mnemonics

Constantly updated: you ask for mnemonics, we deliver.

Dr. Rokia: It’s such a fun way to review the boring pharmacology with these amazing videos. Short and direct!.” 

Latest Blog Posts

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About the creator of rememberology..

Dr. Hiba Shawa is a Dentist with a passion for education, spreading knowledge and making the lives of dental students easier (when possible).

She has a special interest in improving the memory through different techniques such as keyword mnemonics, acronyms and acrostics, mnemonic linking systems (stories and images), making connections with previous knowledge, and “rhymes as” techniques.

Through improving the memory, she believes in helping students study in a more efficient and fun way, and ultimately achieve their own academic and career goals.

Contact: hibashawa@rememberology.net

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